Welcome to
Coming soon...information
about Bill's book: If It Hurts So
Much, Why Do I KEEP Doing It?
Explore the psychology of emotion --
feelings such as depression, anxiety, boredom, frustration,
loneliness, shame, guilt and anger. Learn how to deal with stress,
procrastination, lack of power, conflict, dependency, passivity and
aggression. Look at psychic issues along with those of social
interaction. Request special articles on subjects you choose.
Attain self empowerment and personal success.
A publication for people who want to understand
Overview of psytalk Structure:
Site Map
Self-help Section
Finding A Therapist
The Psychology of Everyday Living - for
Couples, Individuals, Family Concerns, Addiction
Responses to Readers' Requests
Guest Page
...You Can Respond...or Make Requests
General Information about

This section is one of the basic
reasons for the existence of this psytalk
web site. The site contains psychological and
therapeutic ideas I don't believe you will find readily elsewhere.
I'm putting them on the Web because it is a way of
sharing these ideas with far more people than I could
possibly reach any other way. I hope you find the concepts
The Self-help Section includes the following articles:
You Can Help Yourself ...people grow all
the time. This is an introduction to the self-help articles. It covers
some things anyone pursuing self-help psychology needs to know.
out about the risks!
What Is Psychotherapy? Is it useful to work
with a therapist? Or are you better off doing it yourself?
What Your Doctor May Be Missing
Why Be Assertive? What
assertiveness is. How you can recognize it. What it can do for you.

How to pursue mental health is a
personal matter. There are often good reasons for using
self-help methods -- it costs less, you may preserve important
feelings of independence, and you avoid scheduling difficulties.
There are also very practical reasons for seeking a therapist
-- the most prominent of these is that it is usually a lot
faster, meaning you get to enjoy the benefits of mental health
sooner and longer.
On the Finding A Therapist page
you can:
- Examine my outlook on the therapy process.
- Initiate internet therapy with me.
- Check out my credentials.

A columnist's views. Commentary for
couples, individuals, parents, families, co-dependents, and
Each and every day presents us with a
host of practical problems. The aim of these columns is to provide
a reasonable approach to situations that are common. The columns
are grouped into six categories (those with hot-link highlighting
are available now):
Couples' Issues...developing
ways to get along with one another.
The Essence of Compatibility.
Coping With Marital Conflict. (Still in the works,
please check later).
Individual's Difficulties
What Your Doctor May Be Missing:
It can delay -- or even prevent -- getting proper help.
The Psychology of Money. Does it freak you out?
(Watch for this upcoming piece.)
Family Concerns
Recognizing Diseases That Mimic Alzheimer's.
Don't assume someone has it. Get a reliable diagnosis.
(Scheduled for an early posting.)
Co-dependents' Situations...dealing with
people who abuse alcohol or drugs.
Is Someone You Love Hooked?... a three-article series:
- Recognizing the
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).
- Taking Care of Yourself.
More FAQs...including how to intervene.
- Solo Intervention.
Additional FAQs.
Husband Drinks Because
He's "Bored" ...(see also "Responses to Readers' Requests" section).

You can have an role in determining the
content of psytalk. The central purpose of this
publication is to provide exactly the kind of information you want.
So be a part of it. Let me know what you'd like to see discussed
in these pages.
Husband Drinks Because
He's "Bored".
How To Communicate With A Narcissist.

Sundry articles, ideas, jokes, fables, etc. --
all relating to the basic idea of psytalk.
See what catches your fancy. This Miscellaneous
Section includes the following:
Interviews At A Mental
Health Clinic. A frivolity.

Tell me about it.
This is a place where you can inquire about therapy, register your
responses to psytalk, make requests,
or initiate some other interaction. The ball is in your court.

General Information
Who's responsible for psytalk?
Bill Snow, a psychotherapist in private practice in Woodside (Queens),
NY. If you'd like, take a look at his credentials.
Thanks for the opportunity to do some sharing of ideas and thoughts
with you -- about human behavior, happiness, civilization, psychotherapy,
this and that, jokes, and trivia. I hope some of the topics will be
useful and capture your fancy.
For an overview of what's in psytalk...
Take a look at the Site Map. If you'd like
to comment or raise a question, you will find the Guest
Page convenient.

*About the
MHN award...
The MHN badge indicates that the Mental Health Network has rated this
site excellent.
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The design and maintenance of this home
page is a joint endeavor, combining the efforts of...
Bill Snow
32-50 54th Street
Woodside, NY 11377-1928
Wyn Snow
websites 4 small business
Phone: (508) 318-4016
Copyright © 1996, 2006 by William W. Snow and
Wyn Snow